Laurnie Wilson is a hypnotherapist and trained yoga instructor that focuses on reconnecting her clients with what they already know inside, helping them on their journey to a more purpose filled life. After studying creative writing, history, and German in college, she went on to become a freelance writer. When she realized that she was not following a fulfilling path, she made the conscious decision to follow a more meaningful path and dive head first into the wellness world.
Laurnie, like myself, has never pursued traditional employment, instead deciding to follow her bliss from day one. I am so excited to have her on the show today to debunk some of the common hypnosis myths, to introduce all of us to the concept of hypnotherapy and how it can be used to care for ourselves, especially in this incredibly loud and overwhelming world.
Hearing how Laurnie helps her clients to explore their purpose using hypnotherapy and other techniques, including self hypnosis is incredibly inspiring. Listen in and enjoy.
ON THIS EPISODE – Exploring Our Purpose
- We discuss what led Laurnie to stray from her initial career trajectory and find herself living a life of purpose.

- Laurnie debunks myths that we have all heard about hypnotherapy. We chat about how hypnotherapy works, what the average session looks like, and how it helps clients tap into their subconscious to life a more colorful, full life beyond “quit smoking” or “lose five pounds” or “make more money”.
- We dive into our personal journeys as entrepreneurs, and how we can all tap into our inner childlike sense of curiosity, playfulness, and wonder as adults as we journey towards knowing our truest selves.
Listeners can enjoy 15% off of a pack of 3 or 6 hypnotherapy sessions with code BBHYPNO15.
Join Laurnie’s 5 day email workshop focused on exploring your purpose here.
Photo credit: Eva Lin Douglas
Caitlin Thomas is the Founder of Beyond Boss, a professional photographer, and a mama of two. She is passionate about helping other women make more time for living and enjoying life, without sacrificing their dreams and ambitions.
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