Wash your sheets, shave your legs, and curl up in bed with my top 5 inspiring movies for when I need to feel like a real badass for the week ahead!
The Devil Wears Prada
This movie will forever make my list of motivating films. Depending on my mood, I am either inspired by Meryl Streep’s hustling, ambitious character, or by Anne Hathaway’s journey towards learning more solid boundaries and finding out what is most important in her life. Either way, it’s a good one when you need to channel your inner badass.
The Color Purple
An intense one to watch, but forever an inspiration to keep going, even through heartache. Plus, Oprah and Whoopie will always inspire me.
Focusing on a young woman’s “feminist awakening” and directed by Amy Poehler, this movie will inspire you to stand up and be heard. Bonus points if you watch it with a teenage girl in your life.
Mona Lisa Smile
Love this one. If you’re looking for a story to motivate you to push back against societies expectations of you and pursue your passions, this is it.
Working Girl
Ever feel like you’re hard working, dedication, andddd also overlooked professionally? Watch this one if you are wanting a good romantic comedy that inspires you to seize opportunity…and big hair 
Need more than 5 inspiring movies? We have more ideas! // and more!
Check out this Harper’s Bazaar list of 65 Feminist Movies.
Caitlin Thomas is the Founder of Beyond Boss, a professional photographer, and a mama of two. She is passionate about helping other women make more time for living and enjoying life, without sacrificing their dreams and ambitions.
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