If you have taken the time to create a website for your business (or spent the money to invest in having someone build your site for you), you want to be sure it’s working for you!
When people visit your website, there is usually a general expectation of what they will find on your site: information about what the business is, the products or services they sell, the person behind the business, and a form to contact the business, for starters.
If you are spending more time answering questions via DM than booking clients, this one is for you.
Making some straightforward, quick tweaks on your website today could improve your website performance and allow you to spend less time going back and forth over Instagram DMs and more time doing the things you love to do for your business.
DON’T overcomplicate your menu navigation.
As creatives, we like to take creative liberty when it comes to our website content. There is a specific place we should keep it simple, though: your menu navigation. Rather than putting ‘your program name’ in the navigation, simply put ‘programs.” The reason for this? People coming to your website might not know the name of your products or services, but they will recognize words like shop, products, services, programs, etc. Once they click through to the page, then you can have a creative title for the page itself but keep the menu navigation as straightforward as possible.
DO put a photo of yourself and/or your team on your website.
Being part of the digital age means that just about every market is supersaturated. That means, people buy from people, they don’t buy from businesses. Make sure that you’re sharing about you and why you started your business in the first place, and what your mission is. People resonate with stories! It doesn’t have to be anything super in-depth, but give people a glimpse into who you are as a person and how they can relate to you!
DO have an FAQ section.
If you’re getting the same questions about your business, products, and/or services over and over again, work smarter not harder! Add a frequently asked questions section to your website so people can find answers to their questions, rather than you having to contact you for straightforward questions.
DO use calls to action on every page.
Great, so you’re getting visitors to your website regularly, but what’s happening when they get there? If you aren’t giving your website visitors any indication of what they should be doing next (submitting an inquiry, downloading a freebie, signing up for your email list, etc.), you’re leaving money on the table! If you do one thing TODAY, give your website a quick audit and make sure that there is a call-to-action on EVERY page on your website.
DO make sure it’s mobile-friendly.
As of this month, almost 50% of traffic to websites comes through mobile devices. If you are active on Instagram, this number is probably even higher, as people are likely clicking through your Instagram bio to your website. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, there’s no doubt that you are missing out on purchases or leads.
When you are making edits to your website, you should always be triple-checking that all of your changes are being reflected on mobile in a way that is easily accessible to mobile website visitors.
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