Managing a team or project is a whole new world for a lot of us, whether you have employees, contractors or collaborators. Creating a stellar series of dashboards for the Beyond Boss team has allowed us to stay on track, communicate effectively, and be extra productive without sacrificing our time and sanity. Our team ClickUp Dashboard is basically life changing!
Our current dashboard.
Some important pieces of our ClickUp Dashboard puzzle include:
This weeks tasks
Next weeks tasks
General chat box where we can assign comments/concerns
Email content drop chat box
IG/Facebook/Website metrics
Upcoming events
Task breakdown
ZOOM meeting link (the easiest game changer!)
Why ClickUp?
We love ClickUp because it allows everyone on our team to visualize their projects and tasks in a way that makes sense for their brain. There is a wide variety of views, all of which are designed to make sure that you are consuming the information that you need to consume, rather than staring at the screen.
Why does this matter? You started a business primarily to make money. BUT, we also want freedom of time. Those two things can co-exist, as long as we are efficient in our planning and task management!
Having an awesome team dashboard allows anyone that you are collaborating with to see everything in one place. We also have separate dashboards for Beyond Boss’ KPIs, and separate projects and launches.
When you are busy and doing all the things, staying streamlined and on task is a must. So jump in and create something that helps you on this crazy journey!
Caitlin Thomas is the Founder of Beyond Boss, a professional photographer, and a mama of two. She is passionate about helping other women make more time for living and enjoying life, without sacrificing their dreams and ambitions.
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